I started working in restaurant kitchens because I wanted to turn that experience into a career in food writing. I guess then, Deep Run Roots, my first cookbook, is the culmination of that pursuit. Part story, part history, part recipes, I’d like to think Deep Run Roots is much more than a cookbook. And I hope it’s the first of many books like it, I get to write.


After several years of cooking events at food festivals and in other people’s restaurants, I’m tired of looking for the blender. So fatigued by it in fact that the idea of working in unfamiliar kitchens night after night in the name of a cookbook tour gives me serious anxiety. That feeling coupled with a desire to feed people in an informal setting is why I’ve chosen to take my kitchen with me. 

For nine weeks this fall I’ll be traveling around the Southeast in a very large, very colorful food truck. My team and I will stop in more than 20 towns, light up the stove and cook up a Deep Run Roots inspired spread I plan on being proud of. We’ll have Tom Thumb, Shrimp Stew with Poached Eggs, Watermelon Pickles Wrapped in Bacon, Scarlett’s Chicken and Rice, Warm Banana Pudding, Pepsi and Peanut Ice Cream Floats and a whole lot more. Please join me (and my food truck) for what I promise will be a unique and delicious experience.



* Vivian to attend without her food truck